
As a chaperone on the 2008 trip to Croatia, I can say that the experience was a fascinating mix of cultural immersion, fantastic site-seeing, scientific education, and global community service. From stunning views of the Istrian Pennisula to the cityscapes of Zagreb,  from care for the children at a hospital for the handicapped, to physical labor at a burgeoning astronomical observatory, students and faculty learned first-hand what it means to live and work in this beautiful and historically-rich country.
Kevin MacNeil Academic Dean - Culver Academies
The trip to Croatia was definitely a life-changing experience. The cultural immersion and the selection of activities not only awakened my interest in traveling but have enhanced my professional development. Jasenka’s talent in keeping a group of challenging teenagers busy and happy is unmatched. We ended those two weeks with thousands of photos capturing our beautiful memories. We grew together, as the opportunity to lead and serve has changed us forever. Our students still talk about the trip years later.
Elizabeth S. chaperone
As a chaperone of a service trip, I did not expect much more than physical work. It turned out that the number of places we visited, Croatia’s sites, architecture and artwork exceeded my expectations as an art instructor. The service component was tailored to our program, while the cultural immersion, learning and contribution to the less fortunate were a priceless experience for our students. Jasenka is a unique blend of guide, educator and companion with outstanding skill to coordinate logistics and resolve every minor glitch. That is what makes the difference between a simply good trip and a great trip to this magical country. I would go back to Croatia in a heartbeat.
Robert N. chaperone
My experience of Croatia was incredible and I anticipate the opportunity to return. The intrigue of its cultural ambience and our work with the children within its devoted orphanages remain in my heart to this day. Every day we were rewarded by touring amazing sites and towns, which, intertwined with our service, instilled a truly life-changing and memorable mark. Jasenka is a natural in tour organization.
Juli S. chaperone
Jasenka pioneered in introducing service work to Croatia, and expanded our horizons as well. Jasenka’s organizational skills are outstanding. Her extensive pre-trip preparations ensured a seamless trip for a group of 26, travel and educational material and a perfect balance in keeping both students and adults challenged and interested. She introduced Croatia’s natural treasures, wildlife and culture to the group in a unique blend of service work, sightseeing and activities with the locals. Despite the physical work and fast pace, we never laughed more. An absolute must for students to experience.
Tomislav I. chaperone
The trip provides a perfect balance of valuable work, educational opportunity and fun, with full immersion in the culture and country. Well-organized, professionally conducted and lived up to our expectations. It is an experience every student should have.
Michael M. chaperone